November 23rd, 2009 admin

I’ve just returned from an enjoyable weekend at Paris Photo where I was amused by how many people were photographing the photographs on display. It was happening on every stand with people photographing prints with their mobile phone cameras, digital compacts and even with high-end SLR cameras. What exactly do people do with these images?



  1. Simon.

    My guess is they use the images for their blogs. That way others can then take screen shots off those blogs and remix the images once more.

    Apparently, active participation in the slow dissolution of the art object is the cool thing to do these days.

    The World Wide Pleb 🙂


  2. Plenty of reasons to take pictures.

    If it were me I would be tweeting the picture from my iphone, maybe blog about it later, and it the picture was really cool, just to store it in my inspiration folder for future reference.

  3. Rod Daunoravicius Says:
    November 24th, 2009 at 12:28 pm

    Personal reference. There was too much good stuff to absorb in one go.

    — one of the guys photographing photographs, with an iPhone

  4. The guy in the top photo seems to be photographing the gap between the photographs.

  5. Yeah, i’m still finding it difficult to believe this body is getting the attention it does. The title had be expecting good things ‘We English” I conjured ideas of a project in which we can all interact with as a ‘Nation’. All I see are romantacised elevated paintings, with no focus what so ever on identity.

    Very disappointing, over rated and egotistical.

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